You Searched For: PCR Tests

PCR tests detect if even low levels of organisms are present. Pathogens that are ordinarily difficult to locate within culture samples are demonstrated with the simple polymerase chain reaction supplies. Working more rapidly than culturing procedures, researchers can achieve more accurate results before time impacts the overall viability. With the complete supplies required, the automated PCR tests identify microbes or bacteria within samples that pose a threat.

PCR tests detect if even low levels of organisms are present. Pathogens that are ordinarily difficult to locate within culture samples are demonstrated with the simple polymerase chain reaction supplies. Working more rapidly than culturing procedures, researchers can achieve more accurate results before time impacts the overall viability. With the complete supplies required, the automated PCR tests identify microbes or bacteria within samples that pose a threat.

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Description: Cronobacter sakazakii (formerly Enterobacter sakazakii) is found naturally in the environment and can survive in dry conditions. It occurs in dry foods, such as powdered infant formula, milk powder and starches as well as in teas. Especially young infants are at high risk developing severe meningitis, if infected. All common Real-Time PCR block cyclers are usable for the test. Each reactions contains an internal amplification control. Therefore, false negative results due to inhibition of the reaction can be excluded. The test included the UNG enzyme to prevent re-amplification of contaminating amplicons. The test can also be used for the confirmation of bacterial colonies. The Real-Time PCR Test allows the detection of the species with high accuracy and is more precise than, cultural methods often are.

Description: This product range is optimised for real-Time PCR and uses Taqman® probe technology for the detection of human pathogenic bacteria. The kits are typically co-ordinated in such a way as to enable them to be used together in one run.

Description: Kit for Vibrio cholerae tox gene (ctx). Food safety experts like the German DGHM recommend to test warm water fish for vibrio cholerae. With this Real-Time PCR test you have a very versatile method for testing whether or not the present strain has the ability to produce toxins. You can use our Real-Time PCR Test for Vibrio cholerae for testing for the presence of the species before. You can use this test in combination with an appropriate pre- enrichment in alkaline peptone-water or you can confirm bacterial colonies on agar plates.

Description: Testing for pathogenic E. coli like EHEC, EPEC , EIEC etc. can help to prevent foodborne infections as it has taken place in 2011 with E. coli strain O104 in Germany and with strain O157 at other places in the world. The real-time PCR kit allows the detection of stx1, stx2 and the eaeA gene which covers all different strains of pathogenic E. coli. It also includes a test for Shigella. The test can also be used for the confirmation of bacterial colonies.

Description: OneCup it‘s so easy! The OneCup assay comes along with a minimum of pipetting steps. Everything is included in the mix. You only need to combine 20 μl of the mix with 2 μl of your DNA sample and everything is ready. You have a minimum of hands-on time and avoid mistakes during pipetting. You can run the test on all common block cyclers. Application: Detection of Salmonella in food samples and environmental samples subsequent to a pre-enrichment step according to DIN EN ISO 20837 and 20838. In combination with an appropriate pre-enrichment and DNA preparation the test complies with the official method of the German food and feed law §64. ASU L00.00-98. Test principle: The test is dedicated to detect DNA of Salmonella in a sample using Real-Time PCR in compliance with the ISO method mentioned below. The kit uses the TaqMan® principle. Thus the requirements of the ISO standard, that an amplification product has to be confirmed by a hybridization step, is fulfilled. Each reactions contains an internal amplification control. Therefore, false negative results due to inhibition of the reaction can be excluded. The test included the UNG enzyme to prevent re-amplification of contaminating amplicons.

Description: OneCup it‘s so easy! The OneCup assay comes along with a minimum of pipetting steps. Everything is included in the mix. You only need to combine 20μl of the mix with 2 μl of your DNA sample and everything is ready. You have a minimum of hands-on time and you avoid mistakes during pipetting. You can run the test on all common block cyclers. Application: Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food samples and environmental samples subsequent to a pre-enrichment step according to DIN EN ISO 20837 and 20838.Test principle. The test is dedicated to detect DNA of Listeria monocytogenes in a sample using Real-Time PCR in compliance with the ISO method mentioned below. The kit uses the TaqMan® principle. Thus the requirements of the standard, that an amplification product has to be confirmed by a hybridization step, is fulfilled. Each reactions contains an internal amplification control. Therefore, false negative results due to inhibition of the reaction can be excluded. The test included the UNG enzyme to prevent re-amplification of contaminating amplicons.

Description: Successful PCR applications depend on well purified DNA. In diagnostics and analytics of food and medical samples PCR and real-time PCR has many advantages over conventional methods. In all cases it is of importance to have well purified DNA for subsequent PCR, real-time PCR, hybridization or sequencing purposes. Purified DNA leads to higher sensitivity and also specificity of PCR based tests in difficult matrices. With QuickBlue Extraction and Purification Kit you always get high DNA yields and highly purified DNA. The kit uses paramagnetic nano-particles for purification. It can help to purify DNA from difficult matrices like food or even blood in soil for applications in forensic sciences. DNA in Seawater can also be purified. This method avoids extensive centrifugation steps and can thus be applied in environments where centrifuges are not usable. The kits includes proteinase K as a reagent for cell disruption, so that extraction and purification can be performed with the kit. DNA yield from 1 ml bacterial enrichment is 10 μg of Genomic DNA. The protocol can be adapted to automated magnetic bead separation instruments.

Description: Vibrio alginolyticus causes eye, ear and wound infections. It can be tested using this Real-Time PCR test. The analysis can be done in water and food samples. You can use this test in combination with an appropriate pre- enrichment in alkaline peptone-water or you can confirm bacterial colonies on agar plates.

Description: Vibrio vulnificus causes severe wound infections and is harmful when ingested. 33% of patients being infected die. The detection in food and water samples using this Real-Time PCR Test is very rapid and versatile. You have results available already after 24 hours. You can use this test in combination with an appropriate pre- enrichment in alkaline peptone-water or you can confirm bacterial colonies on agar plates.

Description: Food safety experts like the German DGHM recommend to test warm water fish for Vibrio parahaemolyticus. With this Real-Time PCR test you have a very versatile method for food testing, which can gives you results within 24 hrs. The test was developed and validated within the German Network for Vibrio Research “VibrioNet” with many scientific institutions involved. It can be applied for food and sea water samples. In case of positive results you may be interested to determine whether or not the present strain has the ability to produce toxins (tdh/trh). You can use our Real-Time PCR Test for toxicity gene of Vibrio cholera for this purpose VWR catalogue number: QBIAQB-RTI-50. You can use this test in combination with an appropriate pre- enrichment in alkaline peptone-water or you can confirm bacterial colonies on agar plates.

Description: Hazel-nut is allergenic for a considerable number of individuals. Using DNA based tests also processed food samples might be tested. Our Real-Time PCR test exhibits the required limit of detection laid down in the codex alimentarius. The Real-Time PCR kit has a limit of detection of ≤ 20 DNA-copies. The limit of detection can be influenced by sample matrix, level of processing, DNA-preparation and DNA-content.

Description: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is tested usually with cultural methods. However, this may take several days to deliver results. Using this Real-Time PCR test you may have results already after a few hours using a DNA purification directly from filtered water without pre-enrichment. You can also use this test in combination with an appropriate pre- enrichment according to DIN EN ISO 20837. The kit is also suitable to confirm bacterial colonies on agar plates.

Description: Food safety experts like the German DGHM recommend to test warm water fish for vibrio cholerae . With this Real-Time PCR test you have a very versatile method for food testing, which can gives you results within 24 hrs. The test was developed and validated within the German Network for Vibrio Research 'VibrioNet' with many scientific institutions involved. It can be applied for food and sea water samples. In case of positive results you may be interested to determine whether or not the present strain has the ability to produce toxins. You can use our Real-Time PCR Test for toxicity gene of Vibrio cholera for this purpose VWR catalogue number: QBIAQB-RTI-19. You can use this test in combination with an appropriate pre- enrichment in alkaline peptone-water or you can confirm bacterial colonies on agar plates.

Description: Vibrio parahaemolyticus tox gene (tdh/trh): Food safety experts like the German DGHM recommend to test warm water fish for Vibrio parahaemolyticus. With this Real-Time PCR test you have a very versatile method for testing whether or not the present strain has the ability to produce toxins (tdh/trh). You can use our Real-Time PCR Test for Vibrio parahaemolyticus for testing for the presence of the species before. You can use this test in combination with an appropriate pre- enrichment in alkaline peptone-water or you can confirm bacterial colonies on agar plates.

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