Microtome blades

14035838382 14035843496 14035843491 14035843489 14035838383
631-1080EA 121 EUR
631-1080 631-1084 631-1083 631-1082 631-1081
Microtome blades
Microtomes and Microtome Assemblies Microtome Blades and Handles
With these blades it is easy to section a wide range of tissues. Edge encourages immediate ribboning. Premium edge geometry with 35° angle, so no adjustments are needed for the microtome. The uniform coating plus fine and consistent honing helps eliminating sectioning variation. A durable cutting edge is warranted. Quality of each section block-after-block. Expected results with each blade in the dispenser and between different lots will be achieved. There are no sharp corners. When the blade is positioned in the blade holder assembly of the microtome, the blade is fully covered except forMore Product Information
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