Probes for temperature and humidity data loggers

Supplier: Testo
0628.0023 0628.0030 0628.0006 0610.1725 0628.7503 0628.7510 0628.7516 0628.7533 0602.0493 0572.1001 0572.6172 0572.9001 0615.3311 0615.2211
620-3320EA 63 EUR
620-3320 620-3319 620-1819 620-1984 620-1851 620-1852 TEST0628.7516 620-1821 620-1818 620-2362 620-1972 TEST0572.9001 TEST0615.3311 TEST0615.2211
Probes for temperature and humidity data loggers
Temperature Probes
Use the humidity/temperature probes (with an appropriate measuring instrument) for the reliable measurement of relative humidity and temperature. Humidity sensor is durable and traceable to international humidity standards, such as ILAC, PTB and NIST. Thus, even after years of use you can still count on measurement results that are reliable and correct.
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