Culture media, ready to use, in tubes

Supplier: Dr. Möller & Schmelz

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391-3880EA 51.4 EUR
391-3880 MOLL5200 MOLL4045 MOLL4080 MOLL5220 MOLL5150 MOLL4090 MOLL4020 MOLL4021 MOLL4025 MOLL5130 MOLL4030 MOLL4047 MOLL4050 MOLL4051 MOLL4055 MOLL4060 MOLL4061 MOLL4062 MOLL4096 MOLL4100 MOLL4125 MOLL4130 MOLL4135 MOLL4150 MOLL5140 MOLL5160 MOLL5170 MOLL5241 MOLL5251 MOLL5281
Culture media, ready to use, in tubes
Media for Microbiology Prepared Media for Microbiology

These sterile ready-to-use media are filled in autoclavable and break-proof glass tubes (20 ml). The composition of the various types of media, comply with the formulations specified in the pertinent standards and regulations. Whereas the liquid media can be used immediately, the agar media first have to be remelted in a water bath at 90 to 100 °C. Once they have cooled down to around 50 °C they can be poured as agar plates in different sizes and thicknesses to meet individual demands.

  • Delivered 50 ml in polycarbonate bottles or 20 ml in glass tubes

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