Anti-KRT19 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (CF640R) [clone: KRT19/799 KRT19/800]

Supplier: Biotium
BNC401150-500 BNC401150-100
BNC401150-500EA 560 EUR
BNC401150-500 BNC401150-100
Anti-KRT19 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (CF640R) [clone: KRT19/799 KRT19/800]
This antibody recognizes a protein of 40 kDa, identified as cytokeratin-19 (CK19), which is expressed in sweat gland, mammary gland ductal and secretory cells, bile ducts, gastrointestinal tract, bladder urothelium, oral epithelia, esophagus, and ectocervical epithelium. Anti-CK19 reacts with a wide variety of epithelial malignancies including adenocarcinomas of the colon, stomach, pancreas, biliary tract, liver, and breast. Perhaps the most useful application is the identification of thyroid carcinoma of the papillary type, although 50%-60% of follicular carcinomas are also labeled. Anti-CK19 is a useful marker for detection of tumor cells in lymph nodes, peripheral blood, bone marrow and breast cancer.

Type: Primary
Antigen: KRT19
Clonality: Monoclonal
Clone: KRT19/799 KRT19/800
Conjugation: CF640R
Host: Mouse
Isotype: IgGs
Reactivity: Human, Mouse
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