Dehydrated culture media, Circlegrow®, Molecular Biology Certified™, MP Biomedicals
Supplier: MP Biomedicals
Circlegrow® is designed for obtaining rapid growth of E. coli and high yields of plasmid DNA. It extends plasmid production past log phase.
- Available as capsules, powders or in pouches
- Molecular biology certified
At the end of log phase, cells growing in Circlegrow® begin to utilize a proprietary second carbon source that becomes available on a delayed basis. Cell growth and plasmid replication continue long after cells in conventional media have reached stationary phase or expired.
Bacteria commonly grow in Circlegrow® to a density triple that achieved in other media. The slow post-log phase growth of bacteria in it eliminates the need for constant OD monitoring. These cultures left overnight or over the weekend will have a much lower percentage of dead cells, and a higher percentage of plasmid DNA, than cultures prepared with any other media. The result is a higher yield of plasmid DNA in less volume with less attention.
Application includes: Bacteria cell culture, gene expression, transformation, microbiological analysis, protein expression.
Certifikace: Molecular Biology Certified™.
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