Silylation derivatisation reagents

Supplier: Restek

35601 35603 35600 35602
REST35601EA 289 EUR
REST35601 REST35603 REST35600 REST35602
Silylation derivatisation reagents
Chromatography Sorbents GC Sorbents

Silylation is the most widely used derivatisation procedure for sample analysis by GC. In silylation, an active hydrogen is replaced by an alkylsilyl group such as trimethylsilyl (TMS) or tert-butyldimethylsilyl (tert-BDMS). Silyl derivatives are more volatile, less polar, and more thermally stable. As a result, GC separation is improved and detection is enhanced.

  • Replace active hydrogen, reducing polarity and making the compounds more volatile
  • Increase stability of derivatives

Both TMS and tert-BDMS reagents are suitable for a wide variety of compounds and can be used for many GC applications.

Upozornení: Note that silylation reagents are generally moisture-sensitive and must be sealed to prevent deactivation.

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