Acid Fuchsin calcium salt ≥60 % (dye content), certified by the Biological Stain Commission, Sigma-Aldrich®


Synonyms: Rubin S, Fuchsin S, SS, SS, ST, or SIII, Acid Rubin, Acid Magenta

M-Clarity™ quality level = MQ200

857408-25G 857408-100G
857408-25GEA 99.8 EUR
857408-25G 857408-100G
Acid Fuchsin calcium salt ≥60 % (dye content), certified by the Biological Stain Commission, Sigma-Aldrich®
Acid Fuchsin calcium salt

Acid Fuchsin calcium salt,certified by the Biological Stain Commission, Dye content ≥60 % (Acid Magenta; Acid Rubin; Fuchsin S, SS, SS, ST, or SIII; Rubin S)

Acid fuchsine is used as a biological stain in preparations including the histopathological polychrome of Pianese, the Ehrlich-Biondi triacid procedure for blood smears, and the Altmann stain for mitochondria. Various polychrome stains like the Masson polychrome variant; Van Gieson, and Mallory connective tissue stains contain Acid fuchsine.Other applications of acid fuchsine in biology and medicine involve fluorescent staining of latent fingerprints, the tracking of water flow within plants, and adding into an agar growth medium for yeasts.

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Specification Test Results

Appearance (Form)
Powder or Crystalline Powder
Conforms to Requirements
Infrared spectrum Conforms to Structure
C=0.01g/l in H2O + 2.5ml 0.1N HCl
541 - 548 nm
Extinction Coefficient ≥40000
Wavelength 207 - 213 nm
Biological Stain Commission
Commission Certified Number:
Dye Content ≥ 60%
Carbon ≥ 28.5%
Nitrogen ≥5.0%
Calcium (Ca)
% Calcium by ICP Assay
≥4.7 %

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