Pipette tips, ART™

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
3511 3512 3771 3782 3531 3571 3551 3521 3542 3562 3572 3552 3522 3502 3580 3722-11 3721 3752 3751 3781 3501-05 3511-05 3512-05 3521-05 3522-05 3721-05 3722-05 3771-05 3772-05 3551-05 3581 3581-05
612-9710EA 42 EUR
612-9710 612-9730 732-2262 613-1861 732-2331 612-9707 612-9708 612-9709 732-2334 612-9726 612-9727 612-9728 612-9729 612-9731 612-9745 732-1522 732-1523 613-1862 613-1863 613-1864 732-2357 732-0322 732-0323 732-0325 732-0326 732-0327 732-0328 736-0003 732-2343 732-0467 612-9702 732-1526
Pipette tips, ART™
Pipette Tips
Transparent PP, sterile or non sterile.

  • Available as non sterile bulk or racked; and as sterile racked
  • Certified sterile tips, free of DNase, RNase, DNA and pyrogens (sterilised by gamma radiation)
  • SoftFit® design assures a consistent, reliable fit for all channels of the pipette, which in turn ensures reliable distribution of the liquid

Informace pro objednávání: Supplied loose bagged or in racks.
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