VWR® Contact Plates, Blister Packed, Irradiated

Supplier: VWR Chemicals

251183ZAEA 88.6 EUR
251183ZA 250641ZA 250063UA 250544ZI 251114ZI 271114ZI 251114PY 251114RY 271114RY 251114TI 271114TI 250884ZI 270884ZI 250884TI 270884TI 250774ZI 270774ZI 250774TI 270774TI 250070ZI 251203ZA 250793ZI 250884CY 250560ZA 251114SI 251114AF 251203TA 250542CA 251114SIMP 251114RYMP 251114PYMP 251114AFMP 250884CYMP 250063UAMP 250070ZIMP 251114ZIMP 251114TIMP 251203TAMP 251183ZAMP 270884CY 252310XF 256321AA
VWR® Contact Plates, Blister Packed, Irradiated
Media for Microbiology Contact Plates for Microbiology

Available in two pack sizes - triple-wrapped (24 plate pack) and double-wrapped (30 plate pack). Plates are packed in a pack with six blisters. Each blister contains one plate, so every time you open a compartment you use only one plate. Available with TLHTh disinfectant neutraliser (Tween®, lecithin, histidine, thiosulphate).

  • Triple-wrapping ensures that the package itself doesn't contaminate the environment, as the first wrapper is removed just before entering a clean area
  • Available with certificate of irradiation/dosimetry
  • VHP resistance studies available for all triple-wrapped plates
  • Storage at room temperature

Balení: 5×6 or 4×5×6 plate packs consist of 5 blister packs with an additional cellophane bag. 4×6 plate packs comprise of 4 blister packs with 2 additional cellophane bags. An irradiation indicator is featured on each blister.

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