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Supplier: Saint Gobain Life Sciences
Description: Rubber sampling bags for gas with tube and ebonit tap.

Catalog Number: (300-0280)
Supplier: Saint Gobain Life Sciences
Description: Made from 2 mil thick PVF fluoropolymer film. When the chemical inertness of FEP is not required, Chemware® heat-sealed, PVF gas sampling bags are the ideal choice. These reusable bags are the perfect economical alternative for analysis of non-corrosive gases. Can be used when the user is dealing with carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon and mercaptans. Ideal for extracting air samples from smoke stack exhaust systems in fuel gas sampling applications.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: Saint Gobain Life Sciences
Description: These flexible, sturdy bags, made from 5 mil thick FEP fluoropolymer film, are heatsealed on all four sides for complete chemical resistance and leakproof operation. Can be used for gas sample analysis, extracting air samples from smokestack exhaust systems, monitoring air quality or calibrating instruments in the field.

Supplier: SGE a Trajan company
Description: This gas and vapour sampler enables spot collection of environmental gas samples or low pressure gas streams in 200 cm³ impervious resealable bags.

Supplier: LABCONCO
Description: Moisture monitor/hygrometer for placement inside the main chamber to continuously monitor moisture levels and absolute moisture content in gas (0 - 10000 ppm); consists of chemically inert ceramic technology moisture sensor, sampling block, digital display monitor, sampling pump, switching power supply and on/off switch, for 230 V units

Catalog Number: (VARI99636003)
Supplier: VARIAN
Description: Gas sampling bags in Tedlar.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: Restek
Description: Gas sampling bags are whole air sampling devices useful for monitoring part-per million (ppm) levels of most volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Unlike Tedlar® bags, ALTEF bags do not produce background levels of dimethylacetamide (DMAC) or phenol. It features single eyelet and PP combo valve with hose connection to fit 4,7 mm ID tubing and syringe port with replaceable septum.

Supplier: Restek
Description: These sampling bags are a low-cost, whole-air sampling device for high-level VOCs and permanent gases. Made of polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) polymer resin and with PP valve and septum fitting.

Supplier: Restek
Description: Sampling bags are cost-effective air sampling device for high level VOC and permanent gases. It features a PP combo valve with hose connection to fit 4,76 mm ID tubing and syringe port with replaceable septum. A single eyelet provides handling convenience.

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: A 139,7 µm thick hydrophobic porous film with medical grade adhesive for tissue culture plates, bio-blocks, and 96-well plates where gas exchange is necessary for cell or bacterial growth. These rayon films minimise cross-contamination, spillage and evaporation. They allow uniform air and CO₂ exchange for all wells, unlike plate lids which favour exchange for wells near plate edges. Sterile product is packed in tamper evident bags of 25.

Description: Natural rubber, transparent (Orsat bladders) or PVC, soft, maroon (inflation flask).

Description: These vacuum bags are with sealed edge and ideal for packaging of gas-sensitive goods and foods.

Description: These are red natural rubber latex balloon suitable for rotary evaporators for mixing or collecting gas and for controlling air or gas flows at suitable equipment. It also features a tubing with length 140 mm and diameter 12 mm.

Supplier: KARTELL
Description: Gas collection bags made from latex.

Catalog Number: (PERCN9307097)
Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: Deioniser LE bag, For: No maintenance hydrogen generators
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (KNFC600023-30)
Description: Nylon 6 Ultraclean Film™ material is certified to Level I cleanliness standards and features superior gas barrier properties, and resistance to heat, oil and grease, abrasion, wear, and puncture.
UOM: 1 * 1.000 items

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