Bürkle GmbH – Bring Your Sampling To The Next Level

Your expert in sampling helps you to find solutions for the most diverse of applications and highest demands. Optimise your sampling with our sampling solutions.

When taking samples, a random test is taken for overall quantity. These samples serve as the basis for the analysis regarding quality assurance. Only representative and authentic samples can reliably inform about the quality, properties or composition of a particular material.

Very precise material analyses can be carried out with the most 'up to date' technology. However, this technology is no good if an error occurs when the sample is taken, and this error continues throughout all phases of the analysis, with the consequence that the final result of the quality check is wrong. This is the reason why sampling, and the use of appropriate samplers, is that important. Bürkle offers the most comprehensive range of manual samplers. Find out which sampler is ideal for your applications.

Samplers For Bulk Goods

Tools for sampling of bulk materials. Find sampling solutions for finest powders, granules, or large grains such as corn or nuts.

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Samplers For Viscous Materials

Samplers for medium viscous substances like oils, emulsions, creams, slurries and semi-solid materials, such as cheese, butter, clay, soap etc.

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Samplers For Liquids

Sampling equipment for taking samples out of most diverse containers and depths e.g. from small jerrycans up to big basins, tanks or open water courses.

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Samplers dedicated to the Phama Industry

Outstanding surface conditions and most easy to clean, or single-use equipment? We offer most different solutions.

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Single-Use Samplers For The Highest Standards In Sampling

Cleaning of samplers is a demanding, time-intensive task, especially when the material is greasy, strongly adhesive or toxic. Single-use is the solution.

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Small stainless steel sampling tools

This section includes a variety of small stainless steel tools - from forceps to spatulas- for sampling or processing samples.

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Ice - and Meat Samplers

Sterilisable stainless steel samplers, that are mostly used in the food industry.

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Soil Samplers

Robust samplers for different kinds of soil samples, e.g. for sampling of meadows, coarse sand or gravel.

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Sampling Accessories

The right accessories will help you to round-off your sampling process. This chapter shows a small selection of useful tools to optimise your sampling.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all our single-use, disposable samplers are suitable for foodstuffs. They comply with EU food requirements and FDA regulations.

We guarantee the sterility for two years after production. The expiry date is printed on each single packaging of the sterile items and samplers and is also indicated with the lot number which consists of the production date and the article number.

The lot number is printed on every single package of each item and on the carton, the outer package.

Yes, we provide full certification for the single-use items. For any question about certificates, please contact us at certificates@avantorsciences.com

To find a suitable sampler the following questions need to be answered:

  1. Which medium should be sampled?
  2. What is the consistency of the medium?
  3. From which type of container is the sample taken?
  4. What volume is required?
  5. Sampling technique: Target sample, all-layer sample or multi-target sample?
  6. Disposable or reusable samplers: Does the sampler need to be pure and sterile? Is the material to be sampled greasy, strongly adhesive or toxic? Is a simple cleaning without risks possible for the user?

In addition we are of course always available if you need any help or consultation.

Samplers should be easy and quickly to clean. That's why they are designed without any grooves or crevices and very smooth surfaces. All samplers can be dismounted for simplified cleaning. The higher the requirements (purity, sterility etc.) the more likely it is that they can only be met by using single-use samplers which can be disposed after use.

Taking samples from sacks, boxes or bags with sampling lances is a common and time proven practice. To close the occurring holes we recommend the close-it control seals which are especially developed for this purpose. The label has a sandwich-type structure (aluminium/paper) and seals the container hermetically (vapour barrier). The rear of the label is coated with a powerful adhesive which sticks on almost any surface - even if the surface is coated with fine powder, slightly moist or even frozen. For applications with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or food additives there is the close-it food & pharma which applies to EU food requirements and FDA guidelines.

The main reasons for using disposable samplers are:

  1. Highest requirements (purity, sterility, GMP)
  2. Cost and time intensive cleaning
  3. Frequent sampling
  4. High auditing requirements
  5. Dangerous/aggressive/toxic substances

Yes, all single-use items are also available non-sterile as LaboPlast version, which is not sterilised but manufactured in class 7 clean room (10,000).

Yes, all small items such as the scoops, spoons, spatulas, measuring spoons, forceps and scrapers are available in blue and blue detectable (detectable by colour scanners, metal detectors or X-rays) next to white.

The single-use scoops, spoons and spatulas are also available made of bio-PE instead of PS. The bio-PE is made of sustainable raw materials, dispensing with fossil materials. That leads to CO2 saving and thus reduction of the greenhouse effect.

As we are the manufacturer of the samplers, it is in general possible to do customised versions of the samplers - e.g. in different length, other sizes, in different colours or other desired characteristics. But it has to be checked individually depending on the sampler and the desired changes.

Our products are mostly produced in Germany.

No, you have to check the chemical resistance of the material of the sampler to the specific chemical. That cannot be generalised. It is important to check that because otherwise the sampler reacts with the chemical and contaminates the sample as well as the sampled material. To avoid this, we provide a list of chemical resistance where you can check the chemical resistance of different materials to various chemicals.

In so-called clean rooms, the concentration of particles that are contained in the air are kept as low as possible using appropriate work clothes, materials and techniques as well as a special ventilation system. The respective clean room class defines the maximum number of particles with a corresponding size that may be present. To comply with the specified clean room class, the actual number of particles must be controlled regularly. Thus the number of particles on the surface of the sampler can be kept very low. That way you can be sure that the samplers are very pure and a contamination is excluded. Thereby representative and authentic samples can be realised as well as reliable statements about the quality, properties and composition of the material. That applies to all single-use, disposable samplers and tools, LaboPlast and SteriPlast - the non-sterile ones and the sterile ones which are in addition are sterilised after production in clean room.

In many industries there are audit requirements based on GMP guidelines. Not just the used tools must be validated as part of audits that take place regularly but also the plan, process and method of cleaning. However a validation of the cleaning process and therefore the verification of the effectiveness and reproducibility of the cleaning procedure is difficult and costly. A validation may even be partially impossible. The validation of the cleaning method is dispensed with entirely when using disposable samplers as they are disposed after use. For each sampling a new sampler is used which is guaranteed pure and thus (cross-) contamination is excluded. After use the sampler is disposed and cleaning and its validation is not necessary at all.

In some areas the use of single-use samplers and tools is mandatory. For those using scoops, spoons or spatulas one can switch to those made of bio-PE which is made from renewable resources and not fossil raw materials to contribute to sustainability and ecology. All single-use items are recyclable, depending on the level and type of contamination. It is necessary to weigh the efforts and waste caused by cleaning reusable samplers and the efforts and waste caused by using disposable samplers.