Reference Materials

Key drivers in all industries include the increased capability of instrumental techniques into the ppb, ppt ranges and indeed the requirement for results to be verified and traceable. Using prepared standards and references materials gives confidence in analytical results and removes the hassle of making and validating these in the laboratory.
VWR chemicals offers 7 different ranges for physical measurements: Colour and UV Standards, Viscosity Standards, Melting point Standards, Density Standards and Refractive index Standards and COD Standard range.
A complete range of AAS , ICP and ICP MS Standard range for metal trace analysis.
All the Standards and reference materials for electrochemistry are now controlled by a quality control lab accredited to ISO EN 17025.
Some specific Standards used in Chromatography method.
Fuel testing
- Cloud point standards
- Density standards
- Distillation standards
- Fuel testing standards
- Pour point standards
- Refractive index
- Diesel and Lubricant
Multi-parameters standards
Flash point
- Flash point standards-Pensky Marten Closed Cup Cleveland open cup
- Flash point standards - Cleveland Open Cup
- Flash point standards - Pensky Marten Closed Cup
- Flash point ABEL
- Flash point TAG
Density and Relative Density
- Cold Cranking Simulator Viscosity standards
- Cone & Plate Viscosity Standards
- Flow cup Viscosity Standards
- High temperature Viscosity standards
- Low temperature Viscosity standards
- Medical Viscosity standards
- Pure water Viscosity standard
- Mineral Oil Rotational Viscosity Standard
- Silicone rotational Viscosity standards
- Small sample Viscosity Standard
- Viscosity check oils
- General purpose viscosity standards
- Heavy mineral oil Sulfur standards
- Synthetic diesel Sulfur standard
- Kerosene (odourless) Sulfur standards
- Light mineral oil Sulfur standards
Laboratory reagents