Choose the right column and get the best results: overview, strategies and tips


Thursday, 24th March, 2022  
15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin, Paris, Madrid)


If you use HPLC or UHPLC, or maybe have preferences to different particle design like Fused-Core® technology, monolithic silica, ultra-pure and monodisperse silica, and polymeric particles we can help you to find the right column for your specific application making your method the best possible. We have a tradition of providing innovative columns like our Purospher™ STAR and Titan™ columns deliver leading edge UHPLC performance at an affordable cost; Ascentis® Express and BIOshell™ (based on Fused- Core® technology) have the capability to turn any HPLC system into a Fast HPLC workhorse; Chromolith® HPLC and UHPLC columns, based on monolithic silica, enable rapid separations at extremely low column backpressure and provide a very high matrix-tolerance making this material perfectly suitable for the separation of matrix-rich samples; silica, polymer and carbon based HILIC columns for effective separation of hydrophilic compounds. Seminar will provide guidance how to choose right column for specific need and how to improve your chromatography in terms of efficiency, separation, column life time and economy.

For more information, please contact us at