Equipment and accessories for TLC/HPTLC

A variety of essential products are needed for thin-layer chromatography (TLC or HPTLC) in the laboratory. Avantor® offers an extensive selection of equipment and accessories for TLC/HPTLC, including tanks, applicators, monitors, atomizers, sorbents and more.

Instrumentation-Supelco® TLC Explorer Documentation System

Superior instrumental solution for reliable TLC plate analysis. Able to analyze one or multiple plates, this equipment with their three LED light sources, allows a quick visual check or a software-based analysis and quantification.

TLC Development tanks

Constructed of sturdy glass with beveled edges to eliminate sharp hazards. Clear sides offer an unobstructed view of the tank contents.

TLC Plates applicators

Disposable capillaries are available for use in manual or automated TLC plate applications.


Multiple options to deliver a uniform spray mist, eliminating the formation of droplets and spattering.

TLC Sorbents

A variety of standard and modified adsorbents, available with or without florescent indicators.

UV Lights and Bulbs

Manufactured to be lightweight and rugged. Long lasting bulbs suitable for TLC applications.

TLC Plate Monitors

Designed to work with both TLC and HPTLC glass chambers, TLC plate monitors allow users to develop plates easily and efficiently, with smart systems in place in select models to alert the user when the desired developing distance has been reached.