You Searched For: Educational Materials

A comprehensive catalog of education materials, instruments, and tools available through VWR allows users to more effectively teach subjects of biology, physics, language arts, chemistry, earth science, forensics, math, and environmental studies. Many interdisciplinary kits allow students to match skills across a variety of subjects in order to better absorb key concepts and procedures. Educational materials are designed to be durable and user-friendly for accessibility with users of all levels.

A comprehensive catalog of education materials, instruments, and tools available through VWR allows users to more effectively teach subjects of biology, physics, language arts, chemistry, earth science, forensics, math, and environmental studies. Many interdisciplinary kits allow students to match skills across a variety of subjects in order to better absorb key concepts and procedures. Educational materials are designed to be durable and user-friendly for accessibility with users of all levels.

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Catalog Number: (201-0216)
Description: Five communicating glass tubes with different inner diameters. Used to show capillary forces and how they are affected by the inner diameter of the pipes.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (765-0969)
Description: Five glass tubes of different shape and inner dimensions. Down to each other. When filling the liquid in the pipes, it is clear that the height of the stowage in the tubes. pipes are independent of the design of the pipes. Comes with foot.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (BE-404)
Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: This lab activity is designed to demonstrate the different classes of protein molecules and their classification based on solubility. Students learn fractionation of soluble, insoluble membrane proteins, and cytoskeleton proteins from a tissue sample. The insoluble protein fraction is further fractionated into hydrophilic and hydrophobic membrane proteins. Cell membrane structure and the role of hydrophobic membrane proteins are considered. This lab activity also provides an opportunity to understand characteristics of various classes of detergents and the role of detergents in solubilisation of hydrophobic membrane proteins.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Catalog Number: (BE-401)
Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: The physical properties of proteins kit is a lab activity that enables students to investigate the physical properties of several different proteins. Students will learn about protein solubility and how it is affected by various parameters; including temperature, pH, salt and dielectric constant. They will understand about protein precipitation due to pH, high salt and in the presence of organic solvents and about protein denaturation as a result of high temperature. In addition, the kit will demonstrate how non-protein agents, such as detergents drastically alter the physical properties of protein molecules and as a result, understand the importance of detergents in protein solubilisation. This lab activity involves analysis of three different types of pure proteins and then students alter some of those properties with a detergent and re-examine physical properties of those proteins. Students are challenged to consider how physical properties of protein molecules can be exploited for purification and characterisation of proteins and apply their findings on a test sample of complex tissue extract.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Catalog Number: (BE-502)
Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: Dot blotting is a simple technique to identify a known protein in a biological sample. The ease and simplicity of the technique makes dot blotting an ideal diagnostic tool.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Catalog Number: (EDVO314)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Suppressor genes, such as p53, are essential for cell functions. Mutations in the p53 gene can be correlated to predisposition for certain cancers. Mutations of genes can either be inherited or accumulated due to environmental insults. This experiment deals with a family pedigree determination of several generations relating to cancer formation due to p53 gene mutation.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (EDVO333)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Students use primers for a 300 base pair Alu insertion in chromosome 16 (PV92) to determine their own genotype. They can then compare their class results with others around the world over the internet.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Ready-to-Load™ PCR kit introduces students to the principles and applications of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This simulation experiment does not contain human DNA and does not require a thermal cycler.

Catalog Number: (EDVO140)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: ABO and Rh typing of blood left at the scene of a crime can help to narrow down a list of suspects. In this experiment, students use agglutination to identify the blood group of unknown blood samples as a step to identify a criminal.
UOM: 1 * 1 items


Catalog Number: (EDVO953)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Drinking water is routinely tested for contamination. If a screening tests positive, more sophisticated tests are required. One such test uses PCR in multiplex format. In this experiment, students test for the presence of three separate, classroom-safe organisms in a water sample using a single PCR reaction.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (EDVO274)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Infectious mononucleosis is commonly known as the 'kissing disease'. The causative agent is Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which can be transmitted through saliva during kissing. In this experiment, students search for the presence of EBV using the ELISA reaction to detect specific viral proteins.
UOM: 1 * 1 items


Catalog Number: (EDVO153)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Using prestained LyphoProteins, subunit molecular weights are determined by analysis using denaturing SDS vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Prestained proteins with unknown molecular weights are assigned molecular weights based on the relative mobility of prestained standard protein markers.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT


Catalog Number: (EDVO207)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: This experiment introduces students to Southern blotting as a tool for DNA fingerprinting in a hypothetical paternity determination. DNA fragments are first separated by agarose gel electrophoresis, then transferred to a nylon membrane and finally visualised by staining.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (EDVO951)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Safe drinking water is vitally important to health. Both pathogenic and harmless bacteria can be found in the guts of mammals and birds. Testing water for every possible type of pathogenic bacteria is slow and costly. Thus, water is tested for a characteristic type of gut bacteria - the coliforms - including the familiar <i>E. coli</i>. Presence of coliforms is an indicator for faecal contamination. In this experiment, students test for coliforms in simulated contaminated water using colour and fluorescent reagents. They can use these same reagents to test water samples from the environment. As an extension activity, a Gram Stain test can be performed on the collected samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT


Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Ready-to-Load™ kit for introducing the use of restriction enzymes as a tool to digest lambda DNA at specific nucleotide sequences.

Catalog Number: (EDVO908)
Supplier: EDVOTEK
Description: Genetic modification of plants is a controversial area of biotechnology. All such experiments in plants begin with establishing plant cells in culture. This involves de-differentiating plant cells to form plant 'stem cells'. In this experiment, students establish cell cultures of African violets from leaves. They then use plant growth regulators to encourage root growth from the cultured cells, and produce a mature plant.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

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